Expert Physiotherapy for Your Equine and Canine Friends

BHS Stage 2
BSc Hons physiotherapy
MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy
HCPC, CSP, ACPAT Cat A affiliated
fully insured

Passion for Animal Well-being
With 14 years experience professionally working with animals, BK Veterinary physiotherapy assesses animals holistically. Considering movement patterns, emotions, age, comorbidities, conformation, posture, and ranges of movement, provide a thourough assessment of function.  Maintaining animal comfort and engagement is extremely important throughout assessment and treatment. Treatment prescription aims to enhance relaxation and comfort thoughout, not only providing hands on treatment but encorporationg home exercise plans to empower you to promote positive postures and movement patterns. 
Restore Joy and Mobility
From post-operative rehabilitation, to performance enhancement physiotherapy will benefit your animal throughout their lifetime
Advantages of regular Physiotherapy
Understand what is normal for your pet

Reduce the risk of injury or illness manifesting

Address issues early and often manage pathologies conservatively

Avoid the need for medication or surgery

Maintain pain free movement

Improve performance

Electrotherapy Treatments

Bespoke treatment plans enhance tissue healing, muscle function, disease and pain management.

Home Exercise Plans

Home exercise plans are designed to allow you to enhance your animals rehabilitation or rehabilitation.

Canine Hydrotherapy

Our hydrotherapy sessions help dogs regain strength and mobility through low-impact exercises in a controlled water environment.

Soft Tissue Massage

Soft tissue massage is a therapeutic technique that focuses on treating muscle and connective tissue imbalances.

Disease Management

Our Disease Management program provide treatment plans and resources to help individuals manage their animals health.

Post-Op Rehabilitation

Our Post-Op Rehabilitation service focuses on helping animals recover and regain their strength after undergoing surgery.

12 month physio cover

  • 4 physiotherapy sessions within 12 months.

Injury / Surgical rehabilitation plan

  • 8 physiotherapy assessment and treatment sessions within 12 months.
  • Lancashire, UK
  • Covering - Lancashire, Merseyside, Stafford, South Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Cheshire, and West Yorkshire.